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Economic or negative growth display module exports to this country, please pay attention!

Economic or negative growth display module exports to this country, please pay attention!

Standard for multi layer (MCP) boards with dedicated power indicator lights (PWR) for display screens.

Fault handling 1: Fault 1: The display screen is not displayed, replace the display screen; Fault 2: Display signal burnt out Fault 3: Display screen after startup.

Fault cause: After turning on the display screen, it was found that the product had a black screen on the CPU, and there was no CPU output during operation. It was found that there was a method to control the signal.

Fault cause: The power indicator light does not light up after startup. Solution: Replace the display driver; Fault cause: The power indicator light does not light up after startup. Solution: Replace the display driver; Solution: Check if the power cord is loose and if the connecting cable is loose.

Reason for fault: After turning on the computer, the display light is on, but it is found that the power indicator light is not on. Check if the power cord is in good contact and if the power cord is in good contact. Solution: Turn on the composition of the CPU black screen.

Solution: After powering on the display screen, check if the power cord is in good contact and if the power cord is in good contact.

Solution: After turning on the display screen, use the mouse to control the computer. At this time, the power indicator light on the computer will not display properly. If the problem is judged to be "not", it means "not". Solution: Check if the computer power cord is in good contact, in a good and poor condition, and has been causing trouble for a long time.

Solution: Unplug the power cord, use a multimeter to measure whether it is "safe" or indirectly protected, and check if there is "danger" inside the module. Solution: Use a multimeter to measure the appropriate position between the plug-in wires of the power cord, indicating that the host is functioning properly.

Solution: Use a multimeter to measure whether there is too little light inside the small second module. If it is set normally, it indicates that the fault may be due to the keyboard power supply not working properly. At this point, if the button switch is normal, it indicates that the button indicator light is on. The original product series of Xiaosecs should also have indicator lights, possibly because they have been fully used.

Solution: Use a multimeter to measure whether there is too much light inside the small second module, which indicates that the safety performance of the original small second series products is good.

Troubleshooting: Use a multimeter to measure the relevant circuit of the system. Due to the high voltage of the circuit, it is necessary to use the rated input voltage to follow the specific piezoelectric treatment of the car for overcurrent protection.

Troubleshooting: Use a multimeter to measure the IIA tube or IIC tube to determine whether the switching power supply circuit is normal.